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Addiction & The Brain's Reward System:
The Nucleus Accumbens

I want you to know as much as the doctors know about addiction. I want you to know the name of a special area in the brain called the "Nucleus Accumbens." Scientists have discovered this to be the reward center of the brain. It is the main reason we believe that certain "pleasures" that we experience in life become addictions (for example: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, even soda and sweets!). Once the brain feels pleasure from these things, it begins to incorrectly strengthen the Nucleus Accumbens. Once this nucleus' reward system is strengthened, the brain actually changes its shape to this new pleasure, just like a muscle changes size and grows from working out. So, the reason cutting an addiction is difficult is because you quite literally have to change the shape of your brain to re-train it. It's hard work, but if you keep in mind your bright future and remember your purpose in life, changing your brain will be a "no-brainer." As humans, we are higher functioning animals; our brains were made to change, so it is not impossible. Your brain is actually begging you to change and will work with you if you put in the hard work and have professionals who know how to manage these issues help you. The Nucleus Accumbens is not only for "bad" pleasures, it is for any pleasure too, so we can strengthen the Nucleus Accumbens for good things like working out, cooking healthy meals, or watching interesting documentaries and movies, in place of the other stuff. Talk to your doctor and therapist when you are ready to change your... Nucleus Accumbens...
                                            - Dr. G

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